Friday, February 20, 2009

to twilight die hard fans

Good news about New Moon,

hav u ever heard the speculation bout whether the same actor or the new 1 would portray jacob black in new moon who changes in so many surprising ways throughout the series

but well, I'm very happy to announce that Taylor Lautner will be playing Jacob Black (still standing!!wohoo..)in New Moon. yeaii!!!!

as for me Taylor is the only 1 who can be jacob and he should be Jacob!( he is emotionally right for the part). i'm hoping that me and all fans of Twilight the book and the movie will be surprised by the Jacob Black that Taylor will bring to the screen in New Moon.

wishing him the best of luck!!!!!!!!luv Taylor Daniel Lautner !muah3x

p/s:happy belated brthday to him(11th feb)---he's only 17th~~ :P
again:THANK YOU SO MUCH! to all the ppl who were thinking twice bout taking the hottest star in that movie out! i am so happy thats one of the things that made my day

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